California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)


Wilson Research Group, LLC is a consulting and market research company based in the United States. Our primary business is conducting technology related internet based surveys. As such we take the privacy rights and need for anonymity of our survey respondents very seriously. Our focus is US based respondents but we do on an occasional basis survey people from all over the world. We never sell Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Wilson Research Group LLC does not collect, distribute, electronically transfer, sell, or track Personally Identifiable Information (PII) within our surveys. All survey data we collect and process for our clients is collected voluntarily from survey respondents with their approval and is always anonymous. This data is used to better products, services and professional standards. As we do not collect PII data, it is not possible to identify individuals in any way in our survey data, research, analysis and processing. We hold all data in encrypted storage format. We respond individually to all queries about our data processing and data storage. In general, and in conformance with standard market research industry practices, we treat all respondents honestly, openly, and with due diligence in protecting their privacy and their data. We respect the rights of those who have voluntarily given of their time and sincere desire to better the products, services and professional quality of their fields.

Survey Incentives
On occasion and for US residents only we collect minimal contact information (name, email) to fulfill survey incentives. This information is voluntary and used only to fulfill survey incentives or insure respondents do not receive duplicate survey email invitations. It is not sold, traded or used in any other manner. It is stored separately from survey data and not associated with survey responses in any way. It is encrypted and destroyed within 12 months of survey incentive fulfillment.

Our Data Security Officer (DSO) is:
Zachary Wilson